
活动 : 工作坊

Activity: Workshop

欢庆端午节 Dragon Boat Festival Celebration


Chinese Rice Dumpling (Zong zi) Wrapping & Noodle Making Workshop

时间 | Date : 21-05-2022
地点 | Venue: Gallery Wisma CL, 精英大学
节目包括:粽子竹叶包裹与手艺 | 传统面条制作 | 端午讲座
Activities: Chinese Rice Dumpling (zongzi) Wrapping  | Traditional Noddle  Making | Dragon Boat Festival Talk

马来西亚民众图书馆及发研中心(MPLRDC)第一届 端午节粽子包裹和面条制作工作坊于五月廿一日星期六在精英大学的CL大厦成功举行。

Malaysian Public Library, Research and Development Centre (MPLRDC) 1st Trial Dumpling Wrapping & Noodle Making Workshop was successfully held on Saturday, 21, May at The Gallery, Wisma CL, 5, HELP University


We are glad that 18 participants attended to the event. In order to maintain safety and physical distance, we limited the attendees to 20 persons only.

工作坊的节目流程如下 The agenda for the workshop is as follows:

9.00 am – 9.15am 到达 & 报到 Arrival & Registration
9.15 am – 9.30 am 致词 :龙舟/ 粽子 端午节 的缘由 Opening Speech – History of Dragon Boat/ Rice Dumpling Festival
9.30 am – 10.30 am 包裹粽子环节 Dumpling Preparation – Wrapping of the rice dumpling begins
10.30 am – 2.30 pm 蒸煮粽子 Cooking of rice dumplings
10.30 am – 10.45 am 茶点 Tea Break
10.45 am – 12.00 pm 制作面条 Noodle making session
12.00 pm – 1.30 pm 手工面条咖喱面 Handmade noodles lunch with Curry Chicken
1.30 pm – 2.30 pm 民众图书馆和吉隆坡文化场景的档案 “MPLRDC and the Documentation of the KL Cultural Scene”
2.30 pm – 3.00 pm 粽子熟煮带走 & 工作坊结束 Takeaway Rice dumplings and workshop ends